BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About Web Access > Creating documents

Creating documents

To create a new document from a template:

  1. Select the folder where you want the new document to reside. If the location of new documents is controlled by the vault’s Field-Path definition, you can select any folder because the Field-Path definition will store the document in the correct folder regardless.
  2. Click the Add New Document icon in the toolbar. The Add Document/Select File dialog box appears.
  3. Leave Select file to upload empty and click Next.
  4. Select a document type from Document type and click Next.
  5. Select a template from Document template and click Next. Any property pages assigned to the document type for new documents appear.

    NEW  The default values of the properties on these pages are the names of the corresponding folders in the path that you right-clicked.

  6. Type any known values in the property pages and click Finish when you are finished.

The new document is created in the current folder or, if its location is controlled by the vault’s Field-Path definition, it is created in that folder. The configured document type workflow (if any) is started and the document’s General property page appears.

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Selection shortcut menu details

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